Monday, August 23, 2010

Bye2 Pimple!Bye2 Hair Loss! Hello Health!;)

Just wanted to share some infos on my health regime. And one of my beluved sister was asking on infos on this cellgynic thingy. So here goes the long delayed post on cellgynic.


Cellgynic is made primarily from egg lecithin, and other precious Chinese medical herbs. This high quality natural product is specially processed by highly advanced technology. It is rich in lecithin and a substantial amount of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, iron, calcium, magnesium and other elements needed by our body and a large amount of biological active elements.

Main Functions of Cellgynic

  1. Repair and regenerate cell membrane of organs
Lecithin is main component of cell membrane. It is directly related to aging, diseases and cell-health. Cellgynic effectively improve cell repair and cell regeneration. It also supplies sufficient substances for red blood cells regeneration. It effectively improve anemia.

  1. Improve micro-circulation
Lecithin in Cellgynic breaking down the excess cholesterol in the blood and therefore reduce blood cholesterol, prevent blood vessels blocking, improve blood circulation and prevent arterosclerosis.

  1. Enhance immune function
Improve ability to defense against infections and diseases, especially in elderly and ill health. It is also effective for patients after operation or chemotherapy treatment to achieve faster recovery.

  1. Prevent skin aging, eliminate flickers and enhance facial texture, looking fair and pinkish

  1. Prevent hair loss, improve hair texture

  1. Promote faster recovery of skin wound, burns and eczema

  1. Improve endocrine system. Effective therapeutic treatment for goiters and diabetes.

Direction of use: Once every morning and evening after meal. 4-6 soft capsules each

  1. If diarrhea or skin rashes occur after consuming, reduce dosage by half or stop consuming for temporary.
  2. If feverish, dried mouth and throat occur after consuming, increase water and fresh fruit intake.
  3. For pregnancy, if any of the above mentioned incidents occur, reduce dosage or stop consuming temporary.

Storage: Keep away from sunlight. Keep refrigerated after opening.
No added preservatives and hormone. No side-effects in long term consumption.

thanx to hai-o on the info...;p

p/s: if you would like to order the product above,pls do send me an email..;]

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