Salam dearies...
Dah lama I tak update on the benefits of premium beautiful kan? Am taking this opportunity to give my very own testimonials after wearing it on and off for the first month and now it is a must have in my daily routine for almost 3 months now. Tak pakai, tak sah. First up, let me share with you some of my negative view or shall i say fear of corset before even putting it on.
1. Just imagining me putting a corset on myself is a nightmare, let alone wear one. Mesti panas and tak selesa.
2. Harga mahal la...ehehehe and why waste sebab i rasa i takkan pakai and i can spend on other things using that amount of money..ley dapat lagi banyak barang.
3. 3 pieces all together??ops, i dont have much time to waste just to pakai baju berlapis2 ni..and Malaysia panas kot..tak kuasa la
4. I'm not even fat, kalau tak pakai corset pon takder hal lah.
5. Corset lain pon ada FIR thingy tu, better buy those as the price is cheaper. etc
That was during the first time i found out about this corset. Then after having my 2nd angel, and after breastfeeding, my body's structure has taken a change. I used to have very bad back pain and during the nights, i would make sure that all the pillows is carefully placed behind my back as to support it. If I were to missed doing it, then i'll be spending the rest of tomorrow on the bed and its even painful to turn around. Duduk salah, baring pon salah. It gets worse after giving birth to my 2nd angel. I can't even sit on wooden chairs. Need to sit only on comfy sofas and such. Nak kena sandar kat tempat menyandar yang comfy2 jugak. Duduk lama-lama atas lantai pon sangatlah menyeksakan. And the pain I have to endure after going for long walks is unbearable. It starts at the heels and goes up to my spine. OUCH! I couldn't even wear high heels and cheap shoes/slippers anymore. And i sepatutnya tak boleh angkat heavy stuffs. Tapi takkanlah kita tak dukung anak sendiri kan? And my kids, up till today pon nak dukung2. Reason, malas nak naik tangga so dierorang bagi alasan sakit kaki lah apa lah. And being a loving mom, i kesian so i dukung la. Lepas tu, hah, sakit ntah pape la!
My PMS was unbearable too. I had regular menstrual cramps right from the first time i reach puberty. And it is regular too. I remember everytime having the monthly cramps in school. It is very painful and i can't even concentrate in class. The same goes through out those years in uni. Sometimes when it is very unbearable, i'd just have to take up MC from the docs. Sangat lah memalukan specially kalau doc tuh laki. Everytime having menses, i would not just have tummy cramps, but i'll vomit and have a severe headache. Rasa macam menyesal je jadi perempuan. Orang selalu cakap yang bila dah ada anak, the pain will go, but unlikely for me. Anak dua pon period pain tak hingat dunia! Bila dah ada anak ni lagi susah, sebabnya, walaupun kesakitan, tanggungjawab sebagai ibu kenalah disempurnakan. Nak bergerak ke sana sini, mak ai..seksa! And one thing that i noticed is that after giving birth to ayra, my PMS worsen. Sampai satu tahap tu, nak berdiri pon tak mampu. Sakit segala, belakang, perut, kepala etc. Muka pon pucat lesi as if baru bersalin. No kidding!
After being preggy, my tummy dah tak cantik and mantap macam dulu. Eventhough time preggy, i still can wear my 27/28 waist jeans up till i 6/7 months. I was ridiculously small. Tak nampak as if i ni mengandung pon, just nampak macam i put on weight a lil. But after giving birth, my tummy sag jugak. And stretch mark here and there. Itu pon i pakai the cocoa butter cream yang untuk reduce stretch marks time preggy. Euuwww susah sangat nak hilangkan. Ni baru dua anak. Bayangkan kalau ada 10 anak?? Bukanlah nak merungut tapi i deserve to be happy and beautiful kan? And i tak minum air sejuk dari peti atau air ais. So, kalau pantang benda alah tu pon tummy dah timbul-timbul sikit, bayangkan kalau i minum all those. Hubby dah mula komplen kata yang i tak exercise la apa la. Siap ajak i and volunteer nak jaga the angels just to give me some time off untuk i exercise. He started complaining because i kept on asking him on a daily basis and i was complaining alot too. hehehe dah tak rasa hot da.. Tak best kot kalau pakai baju sexy2 untuk hubby tapi tang perut nampak timbul sikit. Malu okie? So haruslah saya komplen kat hubby. And i have a huge thigh. Imagine this, pinggang sedang-sedang, bontot tak kecik sangat and tak besar sangat and tang peha, mak ai..besar! That was my body's shape. Tak cantik kan? Nak beli seluar pon susah. Kena ukur peha, then kat pinggang sure longgar. Haish!
Breast i, takyah citer la, almaklumla, i breastfeed my 2nd angel sampai cukup umur 2 tahun. During mula-mula breastfeeding tu, breast mantap la. Tapi towards the end and bila dah habis susu, breast sagging giler! Pakailah bra push up ker push down ke, time pakai bra je dia mantap, tapi dah buka, terus flat balik. Macam give up lah jugak nak menaikkan and memantapkan balik breast ni.Ada ke exercise untuk mantapkan breast balik??takder kan?:(
Kalau tang punggung laks, my only concern is that it sags. Biasalah kan, lepas dah kahwin and beranak, its normal untuk punggung sags. Tapi tak best la kalau sag sampai bersambung ngan peha. Mind you, my butt pulak kecik je. Nampak cam takde punggung langsung sebab dah bersambung ngan peha. And there are some women out there yang butt besar specially lepas bersalin. susah jugak nak carik seluar kan? kalau besar and ada shape, takpe tapi kalau besar and bersambung ngan peha, u imagine sendiri la. Nak exercise untuk kecilkan peha and punggung ni is the worst la. Lambat bebenor nak tunjuk effect.
Oleh sebab body dah lari alignment, terpaksalah beli seluar baru. Baju okie je. Boleh pakai up till now mana-mana baju yang dari zaman muda remaja dulu. Ada some women out there tu, lepas dah kahwin/beranak, lengan membesar kan? Lengan ni susah jugak nak kecikkan. Bagi i, semua susah nak kecilkan sebab i malas and tak ada masa nak exercise. Setakat kemas rumah and kejar anak-anak je la daily exercise i. :p
So basically, I nak lah jugak cantik. Sapa tak nak kan? Cantik itu subjective. As for me, being in shape and healthy is cantik. Jaga perangai and amal pon cantik. Tapi cantik dalaman. Cantik luaran is as important as cantik dalaman. Imagine this, first thing yang akan attract you untuk beli cake/any foods is the look of it, then barulah taste. Betul? It is in the human nature to judge by the look first. Kalau cake tu sedap and tak cantik, for sure kita tak nak beli untuk event birthday atau wedding kan compared to cakes yang cantik luaran dan sedap didalam.
So after menahan sakit yang sekian lamanya, I rasa i had to do something about it. I hate going to the doctors and the only thing yang doctor boleh suggest for me untuk tahan all the sakit is pain killers for my PMS, sakit belakang pon pain killer, EPO untuk kurangkan pms and etc. I tak suka telan ubat. Fobia sikit.:P So what other choices i have? And as I was surfing the net, i came across hanis' blog. And tried googling up premium beautiful and the benefits. So i arranged an appointment with her to try it out. And lepas first time rase benda tu kat badan i, terus jatuh cinta. And i asked about the business plan and i was rather surprised that it managed to attract my interest sebab at first, i tak ada niat nak berbisnes sangat pon cause i dah ada business perfume i, tapi the business plan is soooo sangat lah best, i decided why not join and share the wonders of the products.
So after getting myself a set of premium beautiful(PB), the first time wearing it, i wore it to sleep. Bangun esok tu, tak rase panas ataupun sejuk pon. Peluh pon tidak. Rase tak selesa pakai corset as if cam kena jerut or something pon tidak. Was quite surprised. It feels very2 comfy. And i had a very good night sleep as takder rase sakit belakang langsung. Dah boleh duduk lama-lama anywhere, and the best part is, i can wear high heels dah(i tak la pakai yang tinggi-tinggi sangat, paling tinggi pon 2 1/2 and dulu time sakit langsung takley pakai even yang 1 inch pon).
Lepas i pakai PB ni for a month on and off, the first time i datang period since pakai pb tu langsung takder all the PMS problem tu. Dah tak muntah-muntah, sakit kepala, and most importantly, tak cramp langsung! I siap boleh keluar gi shopping lagi masa first day. Usually PMS i lasts up to 3 days, eversince, PMS all gone.
Tak sampai sebulan, my stretch marks dah fade, peha i pon dah makin normal. Hubby suka.:p Butt pon dah ada shape balik. Tummy dah tak flabby and best part, i takyah la nak wat silikon ke apa ke untuk mantapkan balik asset i ie my breasts. Kalau tak pakai corset tu pon no worries, my body dah ikut dah acuan corset tu. In order to achieve this, kena la pakai on regular basis. Kalau pakai sebulan sekali, takder maknanyee..:p Macam tanam pokok la. Kalau dah lama, tanah dalam pasu tu akan ikut bekas pasunya walaupon pasu dah pecah kan?
Waist nipper tu pon my hubby guna. Dia pakai everytime going to sleep. He works up to 10 hours a day and 10 hours of sitting. Can you imagine how strain full it is to his back bone? Mula-mula tu dia takmau cuba, then ada one time ni, after coming back from work, he was complaining of the back pain and wanted to go to sleep. After 30 minutes of tossing around on the bed, he decided to follow my advice and put on the waist nipper. Tak sampai 5 minute terus doze off. Kalau lelaki yang nak kempiskan perut yang buncit tu pon bagus jugak.
Sebenarnya, corset ni banyak fungsi dia. Ayra have regular asthma attack. Lepas i beli corset ni, i pakaikan waist nipper to her every night before going to bed, alhamdulillah, now nak dapat attack sekali sebulan pon susah. And kalau miffy/ayra purging/diarrhea, i terus pakaikan girdle tu. Buat macam pakai seluar pendek. Then terus stop the cirit. Kalau balik kampung naik kereta, i selalu tak tahan sejuk air cond. Mesti bawa bekal blanket and my woolen sweater. Now bila dah pakai pb, insyAllah boleh tahan sejuk dah. Kalau demam pon, pakai pb like 1/2 hour to 1 hour, sure boleh berpeluh and sihat terus. Takyah makan ubat dah! Yeay! Oh ya, another poinnt that i would like to add here is that tentang keputihan. Its normal for women specially yang dah berkahwin to have this problem. My keputihan was quite bad. But after wearing this, dah tak ada dah masalah tu. Best sangat!
Dulu before cuba pb ni, i selalu tertanya, tak panas ke pakai sampai 2/3 lapis baju. I yang pakai bra and t shirt pon berpeluh-peluh dok dalam rumah. But after wearing this myself, tak terasa panas langsung. Prove? i tak peluh pon. Sebab tu disarankan untuk pakai the corset for 8 hours a day. Untuk dapat maximum effect. Nak pakai lebih dari tu pon tak apa. Macam i sendiri, kadang-kadang tu pakai sampai the whole day. Lepastu kalau kaki ke leher ke rasa lenguh sebab dok ngadap pc, i selalu ambil waist nipper tu letak kat bahagian yang lenguh2 tu, tak samapi 5 minit, the pain all gone!
At one glance, it is pricey. But with all the benefits that it has to offer, this corset is priceless. Bayangkan, corset ni satu-satunya corset yang ada lifetime warranty. Mana ada any lingeries in this world yang ada warranty selama itu. Not even la senza, victoria secret and such. Imagine this, buying a pair of lingerie every 2 months in your life time pon lebih mahal dari beli this corset as you just need to buy only a set. Lingerie tu pulak takder khasiat cam corset ni. Kalau rosak boleh hantar repair FOC selama-lamanya. And satu family boleh guna. Corset atau lingerie lain hanya untuk kita guna sahaja kan? FIR dalam premium beautiful ni pon boleh bunuh sel cancer no matter which part of the body pon. Try google kalau tak caya. I'm sure u boleh baca tentang testimonials saying yang fibroid dah mengecil la, macam-macam lagi.
More info? or sms me at 0163434431.
What are you waiting for? Sementara ada kudrat, ada duit, ada masa, ada size, beli la...jangan tunggu nantii takder kudrat, tak ada duit langsung, tak ada size baru nak beli. Kalau tunggu harga nak turun, then selamat menunggu sebab harga nya maintain dari dulu sampai sekarang. I can offer installment plan if your interested in getting one.
1. Just imagining me putting a corset on myself is a nightmare, let alone wear one. Mesti panas and tak selesa.
2. Harga mahal la...ehehehe and why waste sebab i rasa i takkan pakai and i can spend on other things using that amount of money..ley dapat lagi banyak barang.
3. 3 pieces all together??ops, i dont have much time to waste just to pakai baju berlapis2 ni..and Malaysia panas kot..tak kuasa la
4. I'm not even fat, kalau tak pakai corset pon takder hal lah.
5. Corset lain pon ada FIR thingy tu, better buy those as the price is cheaper. etc
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Source: Google |
My PMS was unbearable too. I had regular menstrual cramps right from the first time i reach puberty. And it is regular too. I remember everytime having the monthly cramps in school. It is very painful and i can't even concentrate in class. The same goes through out those years in uni. Sometimes when it is very unbearable, i'd just have to take up MC from the docs. Sangat lah memalukan specially kalau doc tuh laki. Everytime having menses, i would not just have tummy cramps, but i'll vomit and have a severe headache. Rasa macam menyesal je jadi perempuan. Orang selalu cakap yang bila dah ada anak, the pain will go, but unlikely for me. Anak dua pon period pain tak hingat dunia! Bila dah ada anak ni lagi susah, sebabnya, walaupun kesakitan, tanggungjawab sebagai ibu kenalah disempurnakan. Nak bergerak ke sana sini, mak ai..seksa! And one thing that i noticed is that after giving birth to ayra, my PMS worsen. Sampai satu tahap tu, nak berdiri pon tak mampu. Sakit segala, belakang, perut, kepala etc. Muka pon pucat lesi as if baru bersalin. No kidding!
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Source: Google |
After being preggy, my tummy dah tak cantik and mantap macam dulu. Eventhough time preggy, i still can wear my 27/28 waist jeans up till i 6/7 months. I was ridiculously small. Tak nampak as if i ni mengandung pon, just nampak macam i put on weight a lil. But after giving birth, my tummy sag jugak. And stretch mark here and there. Itu pon i pakai the cocoa butter cream yang untuk reduce stretch marks time preggy. Euuwww susah sangat nak hilangkan. Ni baru dua anak. Bayangkan kalau ada 10 anak?? Bukanlah nak merungut tapi i deserve to be happy and beautiful kan? And i tak minum air sejuk dari peti atau air ais. So, kalau pantang benda alah tu pon tummy dah timbul-timbul sikit, bayangkan kalau i minum all those. Hubby dah mula komplen kata yang i tak exercise la apa la. Siap ajak i and volunteer nak jaga the angels just to give me some time off untuk i exercise. He started complaining because i kept on asking him on a daily basis and i was complaining alot too. hehehe dah tak rasa hot da.. Tak best kot kalau pakai baju sexy2 untuk hubby tapi tang perut nampak timbul sikit. Malu okie? So haruslah saya komplen kat hubby. And i have a huge thigh. Imagine this, pinggang sedang-sedang, bontot tak kecik sangat and tak besar sangat and tang peha, mak ai..besar! That was my body's shape. Tak cantik kan? Nak beli seluar pon susah. Kena ukur peha, then kat pinggang sure longgar. Haish!
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My tummy something camni..ley tarik-tarik..elastic yang tak best :P Source:google |
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Ni lebih kurang cam perut i lepas beranak satu..lpas yang kedua dia flabby 2x ganda. Bayangkan kurus tapi flabby tummy..euuuwwww Source: Google |
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Sapa nak tummy camni angkat tangan? its not impossible! Source: Google |
Breast i, takyah citer la, almaklumla, i breastfeed my 2nd angel sampai cukup umur 2 tahun. During mula-mula breastfeeding tu, breast mantap la. Tapi towards the end and bila dah habis susu, breast sagging giler! Pakailah bra push up ker push down ke, time pakai bra je dia mantap, tapi dah buka, terus flat balik. Macam give up lah jugak nak menaikkan and memantapkan balik breast ni.Ada ke exercise untuk mantapkan breast balik??takder kan?:(
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source: Parker center plastic surgery |
Kalau tang punggung laks, my only concern is that it sags. Biasalah kan, lepas dah kahwin and beranak, its normal untuk punggung sags. Tapi tak best la kalau sag sampai bersambung ngan peha. Mind you, my butt pulak kecik je. Nampak cam takde punggung langsung sebab dah bersambung ngan peha. And there are some women out there yang butt besar specially lepas bersalin. susah jugak nak carik seluar kan? kalau besar and ada shape, takpe tapi kalau besar and bersambung ngan peha, u imagine sendiri la. Nak exercise untuk kecilkan peha and punggung ni is the worst la. Lambat bebenor nak tunjuk effect.
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Source: Google Lebih kurang camnilah punggung i on the left, and on the right lepas pakai pb |
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Source: Google Sexylicious! |
Oleh sebab body dah lari alignment, terpaksalah beli seluar baru. Baju okie je. Boleh pakai up till now mana-mana baju yang dari zaman muda remaja dulu. Ada some women out there tu, lepas dah kahwin/beranak, lengan membesar kan? Lengan ni susah jugak nak kecikkan. Bagi i, semua susah nak kecilkan sebab i malas and tak ada masa nak exercise. Setakat kemas rumah and kejar anak-anak je la daily exercise i. :p
So basically, I nak lah jugak cantik. Sapa tak nak kan? Cantik itu subjective. As for me, being in shape and healthy is cantik. Jaga perangai and amal pon cantik. Tapi cantik dalaman. Cantik luaran is as important as cantik dalaman. Imagine this, first thing yang akan attract you untuk beli cake/any foods is the look of it, then barulah taste. Betul? It is in the human nature to judge by the look first. Kalau cake tu sedap and tak cantik, for sure kita tak nak beli untuk event birthday atau wedding kan compared to cakes yang cantik luaran dan sedap didalam.
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Source: Google |
So after menahan sakit yang sekian lamanya, I rasa i had to do something about it. I hate going to the doctors and the only thing yang doctor boleh suggest for me untuk tahan all the sakit is pain killers for my PMS, sakit belakang pon pain killer, EPO untuk kurangkan pms and etc. I tak suka telan ubat. Fobia sikit.:P So what other choices i have? And as I was surfing the net, i came across hanis' blog. And tried googling up premium beautiful and the benefits. So i arranged an appointment with her to try it out. And lepas first time rase benda tu kat badan i, terus jatuh cinta. And i asked about the business plan and i was rather surprised that it managed to attract my interest sebab at first, i tak ada niat nak berbisnes sangat pon cause i dah ada business perfume i, tapi the business plan is soooo sangat lah best, i decided why not join and share the wonders of the products.
So after getting myself a set of premium beautiful(PB), the first time wearing it, i wore it to sleep. Bangun esok tu, tak rase panas ataupun sejuk pon. Peluh pon tidak. Rase tak selesa pakai corset as if cam kena jerut or something pon tidak. Was quite surprised. It feels very2 comfy. And i had a very good night sleep as takder rase sakit belakang langsung. Dah boleh duduk lama-lama anywhere, and the best part is, i can wear high heels dah(i tak la pakai yang tinggi-tinggi sangat, paling tinggi pon 2 1/2 and dulu time sakit langsung takley pakai even yang 1 inch pon).
Lepas i pakai PB ni for a month on and off, the first time i datang period since pakai pb tu langsung takder all the PMS problem tu. Dah tak muntah-muntah, sakit kepala, and most importantly, tak cramp langsung! I siap boleh keluar gi shopping lagi masa first day. Usually PMS i lasts up to 3 days, eversince, PMS all gone.
Tak sampai sebulan, my stretch marks dah fade, peha i pon dah makin normal. Hubby suka.:p Butt pon dah ada shape balik. Tummy dah tak flabby and best part, i takyah la nak wat silikon ke apa ke untuk mantapkan balik asset i ie my breasts. Kalau tak pakai corset tu pon no worries, my body dah ikut dah acuan corset tu. In order to achieve this, kena la pakai on regular basis. Kalau pakai sebulan sekali, takder maknanyee..:p Macam tanam pokok la. Kalau dah lama, tanah dalam pasu tu akan ikut bekas pasunya walaupon pasu dah pecah kan?
Waist nipper tu pon my hubby guna. Dia pakai everytime going to sleep. He works up to 10 hours a day and 10 hours of sitting. Can you imagine how strain full it is to his back bone? Mula-mula tu dia takmau cuba, then ada one time ni, after coming back from work, he was complaining of the back pain and wanted to go to sleep. After 30 minutes of tossing around on the bed, he decided to follow my advice and put on the waist nipper. Tak sampai 5 minute terus doze off. Kalau lelaki yang nak kempiskan perut yang buncit tu pon bagus jugak.
Sebenarnya, corset ni banyak fungsi dia. Ayra have regular asthma attack. Lepas i beli corset ni, i pakaikan waist nipper to her every night before going to bed, alhamdulillah, now nak dapat attack sekali sebulan pon susah. And kalau miffy/ayra purging/diarrhea, i terus pakaikan girdle tu. Buat macam pakai seluar pendek. Then terus stop the cirit. Kalau balik kampung naik kereta, i selalu tak tahan sejuk air cond. Mesti bawa bekal blanket and my woolen sweater. Now bila dah pakai pb, insyAllah boleh tahan sejuk dah. Kalau demam pon, pakai pb like 1/2 hour to 1 hour, sure boleh berpeluh and sihat terus. Takyah makan ubat dah! Yeay! Oh ya, another poinnt that i would like to add here is that tentang keputihan. Its normal for women specially yang dah berkahwin to have this problem. My keputihan was quite bad. But after wearing this, dah tak ada dah masalah tu. Best sangat!
Dulu before cuba pb ni, i selalu tertanya, tak panas ke pakai sampai 2/3 lapis baju. I yang pakai bra and t shirt pon berpeluh-peluh dok dalam rumah. But after wearing this myself, tak terasa panas langsung. Prove? i tak peluh pon. Sebab tu disarankan untuk pakai the corset for 8 hours a day. Untuk dapat maximum effect. Nak pakai lebih dari tu pon tak apa. Macam i sendiri, kadang-kadang tu pakai sampai the whole day. Lepastu kalau kaki ke leher ke rasa lenguh sebab dok ngadap pc, i selalu ambil waist nipper tu letak kat bahagian yang lenguh2 tu, tak samapi 5 minit, the pain all gone!
At one glance, it is pricey. But with all the benefits that it has to offer, this corset is priceless. Bayangkan, corset ni satu-satunya corset yang ada lifetime warranty. Mana ada any lingeries in this world yang ada warranty selama itu. Not even la senza, victoria secret and such. Imagine this, buying a pair of lingerie every 2 months in your life time pon lebih mahal dari beli this corset as you just need to buy only a set. Lingerie tu pulak takder khasiat cam corset ni. Kalau rosak boleh hantar repair FOC selama-lamanya. And satu family boleh guna. Corset atau lingerie lain hanya untuk kita guna sahaja kan? FIR dalam premium beautiful ni pon boleh bunuh sel cancer no matter which part of the body pon. Try google kalau tak caya. I'm sure u boleh baca tentang testimonials saying yang fibroid dah mengecil la, macam-macam lagi.
More info? or sms me at 0163434431.
What are you waiting for? Sementara ada kudrat, ada duit, ada masa, ada size, beli la...jangan tunggu nantii takder kudrat, tak ada duit langsung, tak ada size baru nak beli. Kalau tunggu harga nak turun, then selamat menunggu sebab harga nya maintain dari dulu sampai sekarang. I can offer installment plan if your interested in getting one.
i nak cuba jugak.cume x jmp dealer kt kaybee ni n i mcm berminat nk jd dealer jugak ;p
oo dok kB ko...dop maghi alah kL ke?ehehe hmmm..jadik dealer??molek r tuu...eheheh tapi nak jadi dealer ni kalu boleh, pilih group hok mantap..:) oleh itu, joinlah gang i and hanis..eehehe i sejak akhir2 ni payoh sket nok balik klate..kalau dop, kerap jugok coz grandma ado lagi..:)
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