Salam to all my dearies.. How was your Raya?? To the ones who is still single and unemployed, did you guys/gals managed to get lotsa duit raya??? And to those who is already married or who has started working, did you guys/gals enjoy giving duit raya??? Whatevs it is, hope all of you had a blessed eidul fitri.
My raya this year was spent happily with the existence and the noise created by my two lil angels. They are in fact the reason i smile, the reason i laugh, the reason of my worries, the reason to my tears, the reason to everything other than ALLAH. So our main activity apart from visiting relatives and friends are watching the television because raya is the only time where i'll watch malay MOVIES. I'm so sorry. But in my point of view, the only malay movies that is worth the penny to go and watch are the ones produced and directed by afdlin shauki and friends ie hans isaac and mamat khalid and also the movies directed by khabir bhatia. Those are the only movie directors/producers that i wont mind spending just to enjoy their work. Other than those ive mentioned earlier, I dont think that I share the same point of view on art as them.
Through out the raya season, from the first day up to the 5th day of raya, no sensible movie was being aired via the non-paid channel. Its either a horror movie, a slapstic comedy, or some sad movies where i find it very mood spoiling.
The one and only movie that I was really looking forward to was this movie...

My sil did watched it somewhere last year and she strongly recommended me to watch this movie. I didnt manage to have the time to watch it up till today and thanx to TV3 for airing it. It was indeed a very very good movie. Full with good messages. Though the ending was a tad corny, somehow i still love it. Well a friend of mine said that all those things do happen but only in fantasy. But as for me, fantasy do come true. And somehow how i wish i can be like syuhada as in, im able to guide someone on islam. The script was awesome as it made me think and realise things in life. Some things that i take for granted. Anyhoo, hats off to david teo who is not a muslim to be producing something as good and as islamic as this movie. Really did enjoy it. And this is the first time ever where i find awal being cute and good looking. And to adik haziq, kudos for the job well done. The movie somehow made me feel very happy inside. Maybe because it reminded me of two different people. Two different personalities. And ONE great impact on my life. Im blessed with so many things in life. Blessed with all those whom i once knew, and whom i am still learning to know. Really love the quote where syuhada said something on 'sometimes HE takes away the sunshine and gives us thunder and lightning instead because He wanted to give something which is nicer than sunshine and that is the rainbow after each storm'. And also the part where she said something on she won't be sad too long once someone whom she loves goes out from her life. But instead she is happy for at least she was given the time to know and to love that special someone. And that special someone somehow did managed to create an impact in her life despite big or small it is. Sooo Kewl..And kudos to heliza for a very well played role as syuhada. All in all, i guess the movie deserves a 4.5 stars from me..:]
p/s: i wonder why can't tv3 play some of afdlin shauki's movie??or the antoo fighter movie instead rather than airing the horror movie??haish...