Salam darlings...
When going through my keywords at nuffies, I realised that people who came to my blog searched on chemotherapy. I think its my call to do some research in order to share some infos on this matter in my blog now as i recently lost a beloved uncle(arwah uncle mie, my mom's younger brother) to leaukimia(donno how to spell it) and another uncle(uncle pa, my mom's second brother) is down with prostate cancer.
There are sayings that has yet to be proven clinically that cancer is in the gen. So in a way, its inherited. One thing that I realised through me and my family's observation based on my uncles' cases is that they share the same blood group and maybe they share the same favourite type of food where if they are given the option to eat it daily, they would do it with pleasure :p. But somehow, the cancer thingy starts just at my uncle's generation where in the past as in my grandpa and grandma's generation do not have this problem. All my prayers go out for you my dear uncle pa. (he is in the hospital right now, haven't been eating for 2 months now..:( and please pray for his strength and our strength yeah darlings). So basically, anyone of any age is susceptible to cancer and we should be aware of it and live in moderation.
So as i was googling for more info on the matter, i came across
baby edday's blog posts on beating cancer. She shared some tips on how to beat cancer away. So here are some of the tips:
1. Cuddle
Cuddling somehow is scientifically proven to reduce stress cause it lowers the stress hormones and produces the happy hormones instead. So cuddle up people...yang dah kahwin tu, sila peluk cik abang and cik adik masing2 ya, and ur kids, mom, dad...everybody. That is why, whenever we are stressed out, a good cuddle somehow manage to do the trick if not much. Kan?? Mudah dan indah ciptaan Allah.
2. Tea or Coffee??
I'm not a big fan of coffee so thus its easy for me to make the choice. Tea is believed to have the antioxidant which then can reduce the risk of cancer.
3. Sleep
Yerp. Even your sleeping patterns can put you at risk if its not done the right way. Sleep well and sleep in total darkness. As the brain produces melatonin hormone which is the powerful cancer fighter only when you sleep in the dark. Sleeping in less darker room will cause less melatonin production. Thus exposing you to bigger cancer risk. No wonder our ancestors tak ada problem cenggini. They live in moderation, exercise plenty, sleep well in total darkness and love each other well!
4. Friends
Get more friends. More friends=less stress.
5. Pets
Get a pet. Basically, pets are seen as companions. It helps to reduce the stress and thus control your blood pressure and helps boost your longevity. Try getting one, then you'll know what and how i mean when i say that they'll help you reduce stress and such.
6. Eat Healthy
Please eat at least a serving a day of fruits/veges/whole grains. It helps avoid problems with your intestinal tracts.
7. Exercise(my least favourite word)
Well exercise doesn't mean you have to go to the gym and do all the work outs or basically go jogging aite? Make it fun yet sweaty!:) You can dance with your angels, chase them and play games which requires physical strength and basically make it FUN!:) Be creative. For those yang tak ada masa, balik rumah, naik tangga bukan naik lift. Tu pon dah kira exercise what!:) Hehehehe i have to kalau tak jangan harap i nak gi park semata-mata nak gi jogging semua...:p At a minimum 3x per week which every session lasts up to 20 minutes.
8. No No No To Cigars/alcohol
If you are smoking, quit now! and the same goes to alcohol. I bet yang ni semua dah tahu kan?
9. Weight
Obesity is linked to certain types of cancer. So people, watch your diet please, avoid fast food. And belilah Premium beautiful. It can really help!:)
10. Premium Beautiful
Wear it at least 8 hours a day. The infra red inside it helps to reduce the risk of cancer.
11.More tips?
Click Here.
Overview of the test questions |
My result and the tips as to how to improve my llifestyle |
And that is my score. Try to answer the test and then you'll find out how else can you do to help reduce the risk as they will give out tips on improving your lifestyle. So basically as a conclusion, the biggest factor to cancer is our lifestyle. So darlings, please be aware. :) Take care yeah!
P/s: If you are interested to know more on premium beautiful, please don't be shy to drop me an email at