Salam dearies..
You missed me? Sorry for the 2 days of silence. Yours truly was slightly busy attending invites. Not one of the open houses raya invitations but instead, something else. Remember that i posted something on the
green quiz somewhere last month? I was among the top 30 greenies who were invited for the cause that took place at D'House in Shah Alam. True to its claim, we really had lotsa fun and it was indeed a very knowledgeable experience. There were sooo many things that we learned and came to knew bout the environment and how to be greener. Before this, i thought that i've played my role towards mother earth well enough but zeeeett....I was wrong. There were so many other things that I can do more and that I should have done. And those things also applies to all of you my dear darlings. I guess maybe it is in the human nature for us to take things for granted, but it is time to change. Start changing this very minute. For the more we delay, the shorter chance that our future generations have to survive. We are now actually using/consuming more than what we need and more than what mother earth can provide us with. Thus instead, we are robbing our children's supplies. Every extreme climate change and every single nature's disaster is actually thanks to us, the humans for not knowing how to restrict ourselves from polluting the world. One by one disaster is striking us and its as if mother earth is showing off her fury. And yet, nothing has been taken into action. So me dear darlings, start to clean our act now. Don't wait for them, for the government, for the billionaires, for the factory, and for those other people to act. But start with ourselves and start now.
Oh well basically, there is still lots more that I want to say, but will say it in another entry which focuses on this matter alone. But right now, I want to share my wonderful experience during the event. And i recommend all my dear readers who is thinking of switching jobs or who has just or about to graduate to apply working in Digi. The working environment is sooo super fun. They have their own spa with manicure and pedicure for free, they are given free lappy and handphone, the office is cubicle free which encourages their staff to socialize amongst them more, the food are great, and the best part is they train you to be a GREENY at heart. AND YES, they will train you well. The management has done a very good job in making the company a green company by introducing and implementing very good approach such as 'making' the staffs to carpool to work every day, reducing the use of paper up to 70% etc. And further more, they are a green company who not only claim to be green but practices green in every aspect as they can. Cool kan?
We had a tour around the cool place. It doesn't look and feel like an office. But more to a relax and chilling place. No wonder Digi's staff are so good with their work and can come up with brilliant and creative ideas. So here are the pictures to the event.
P/s: this is an entry with lotsa enjoy the lil tour ala cu734ngel's style..ehehehe
The chair is cool kan? |
This particular freebies bags are actually reused from a digi's bunting |
a bodyshop facial scrub and shampoo and its GREEN! And also a 2g pendrive |
How cool is it?a green guava drink just for the green event |
yours truly camwhoring |
Just my rezeki. In need of a facial scrub and malas nak beli and alhamdulillah,got it free |
The Mc |
This is the concourse leading to the cafe. Cool kan? |
The food was prepared by the in house caterer. Sangat Sedap dan comel |
Yang belah kanan skali tuh yang ada krim di tengah tu sebenarnya mint cream. pon sgt suka. |
Cantikkan? Saya makan 2 pinggan setiap satu tu..eheheh |
This is the Digi minus website..they will launch it somewhere next week. Do visit it as there will be contest and events they we can participate in making the world green again. |
Our tour guide: Su ling and philip |
The team leader and the assistanst |
The artwork done by the staffs' childrens |
The building is surrounded with lotsa windows for better lighting and thus less energy used |
the recreation area for staffs situated on the hill with trees behind D'House |
The solar panel |
view from the other cafe. it is the compound of D'House. Nampak cam resort |
The new data centre which is greener and yerp, u read it right, it is the GREENEST data centre in msia, only digi does it and they do it good! |
That is the kan??eheheh |
The view outside the meeting room |
The winning team and yours truly is one of the winners.woot~woot~ |
This is the prizes that me and fellow group mates won each. |
p/s: if anyone of the blogger who went to the event, kindly leave your url in the comment box k? that it is easier for me to share ur blog with my readers..:)
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