Hey there dearies. Judging by the post's title, you would have guessed that yours truly is also joining the iphone craze contest. And obviously, you are 100% correct! Let me start with the picture above. The first smiley represents me as in the everyday me. Me who is an iphone savvy and is still in search for one to accompany me through my ups and downs, to cheer me up and for helping me seal a business deal. It does help you seal a business deal because the attention and the power of its popularity surpasses even the popularity of Paris Hilton's.
The smiley on the left represents me if iphone is my companion. But not just ordinary iphones will do the trick, instead iphones 4 WITH digi plan is the only way that will make me grin from ear to ear 24/7 even during PMS. Why Digi? Because they are the cheapest, coolest(remember the yellow guy?no any other telco can challenge the coolness of digi's mascot, that is one of the reason for it being cool), the most consistent in offering freebies and promotions to the customers. I have been their loyal customer for 1 year now and previously with some other telco. But even after a whole year with them, i am still am not bored and am sure i'll be their most loyal customer till forever. Kudos to digi for offering the best plan among all and for the consistency in showing that they really care for their customers. Kenapa? Tak percaya ah? Look at the plans here and try comparing to other telco that is also offering iPhone 4. And you decide. ;)
Why is an iphone 4 so important for me? Well as all you dearies know, I have 2 super hyper active girls. And even though they are girls who are supposed to be made of candy and spice and everything nice and is also expected to be polite and well mannered, they are indeed two super duper hyper little rascals most of the times. They can hardly sit still even for a split second. It is either that you will see them jumping around, singing and performing an opera concerto or they would wrestle each other just for fun. The only thing that is able to pacify them is handphones. And not the usual handphones. But phones that is wifi capable as they would be happily sitting side by side whilst enjoying videos on you tubes and playing games. As the reputation goes, iphones are the best entertainment phones ever created. And as a SAHM without a maid or any helper at home, this is a trully must have item at home. It helps my kids to stay still for a longer period learning new and exciting stuff as the application on iphones 4 itself is the BOMB.
And while they are enjoying the apps, i'll be able to do the house chores in matter of minutes rather than hours cause I have to redo each house chores because they will mess everything unintentionally as they intended to help.
1st angel:miffy |
2nd angel:ayra
Do not be fooled by the 'angelic' looks on each of the angels' faces |
The reaction when given the phone to play with; as seen in the background, the lil sister from out of nowhere suddenly appears because of the magic word 'who wants to watch you tube?' |
Seconds after entering the room, the lil angel parks herself nicely next to the elder angel ; didn't i tell you, they can't sit still..p/s:the phone is still switched off |
Split seconds later when Mr. Monster papa switches on the phone and redirects to you tube |
And voila, they sits quietly together enjoying the video. |
Apple iphone 4 is built with aluminosilicate glass which is the same type of glass used in the windshields of helicopters and high-speed trains(Wow, imagine that!). Obviously the phone for me. I need an ultra durable and long lasting phones. And iphone 4 fits the description perfecto. With screen that is scratch resistant, who would ask for others? The best part of all is with its tough look and durabilty, it is recyclable. I'm a digi greenies and this is the MOST important of all the aspects that matters to me. And its slim. Can simply slip it into my jeans and is in reach whenever I need to snap candid pictures of my angels'.
The photos of the not so durable handphones that I have. Defects to the phones are caused by Miffy and Ayra.
So this is one strong evidences as to why i need a digi iphone4. |
Did I tell you bout the lifespan of the battery? No? oh well, that is another important point why this phone is for me. We always have family outings every single time Mr. Monster Papa is on leave. Thus our outings usually lasts from morning till dawn. My angels LOVES camwhoring and going to the parks is a MUST. So here is the specs on the battery's performance.
Must I say more on the battery's performance other than WOW?! Am speechless.
5 mega-pixel camera with LED flash. That is another bonus point. It really stands out to the highest limit that anyone can go. Video recording and editing makes it easier and faster for me to share with my dear readers on the angel's daily activities. And don't let me start on the apps. Being a SAHM is ain't no easy job. It's all about hard work and perseverance. Lots and lots of patience is also vital. And at the end of a hard days work, i also need to sit back and enjoy life. That is where the iphone 4 apps plays its role. It will help me to unwind all the tangled and stressfulness of life. And that my dear friend, can add up a few years to our age. I can go on forever why digi iphone 4 is for me with the fact that with the existence of face time tech, and the cool design etc. But i guess i'll just stop here. One thing for sure is that Digi and iPhone is the best collaboration ever as both offers the best out of the best to the consumers. No doubt!
OMG muka dua2 macam twins. *hugsssss*
hahahahhaa tu la..kalau ikat sama..and bagi pakai baju yang sama..org slalu tanya..twin ke?biar ketinggian yang ketara berbeza..ehehehe and dia yang volunteer nak pakai baju yang sama..what to do..eheheh
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