Friday, June 25, 2010

Friends VS Parents


Who would you turn to in times of trouble??? And who would you turn to first in times of happiness??? Ur parents or ur friends??? Lately, ive been reading a lot on parenting skills and such... So as for the question above, I would surely wouldn't want my angels to have to make a choice whether to share their probs or happiness with me FIRST or their friends instead. And i wouldn't want to force them to share it with me FIRST.. But intstead, it'll be nice and I really pray that the choices that they'll make comes naturally without being forced. WHY?? Coz i don't want to miss a thing of what is happening in their life be it good or bad. From birth to death(if i'm still here to witness it all). And yet i wont feel guilty if the choices made were not been forced. I'm here for them despite that they are thrown to the lowest of the life's cycle or even when they are up high and soaring thru the sky. I'm not here to judge or punish them. But as a parent, as a mother, I'm responsible to be their guidance and their shoulder to cry on.

Parents should be a child's best friend from babies to adults. In order to make it a reality, we, as parents should make the first move. How? Here are some of the tips i find helpful on the net. Enjoice:

How to Listen to Your Children Like a Friend

  • Step 1
    Although you need to be a parent to your children, there are times when being a friend is better. It will help you become a part of your child's entire life and not just his disciplinarian.

  • Step 2
    Speak to your child like a friend when he needs to vent about his day at school. Ask him how his day was, what he learned, and about the challenges they faced. If he is faced with minor challenges, such as another child teasing them, encourage and focus on their good points. They will start focusing on the good parts too, and turn teasing into praising.

  • Step 3
    Have your child tell you what he likes about himself. Listen to every word and encourage and provide strength for your child.

  • Step 4
    Whether your child is an athlete, a musician, an artist or a scholar, encourage and praise him for everything he does. Participate in his life. If he plays football, go to the games and cheer for him. If he is struggling in a class, help him. If he works his way from a "C" to a "B", show him how much his efforts paid off; take him for ice cream or a special treat.

  • Step 5
    Friends share everything. The more you share with your child, the more he will share with you.

  • Read more: How to Listen to Your Children Like a Friend |

    It looks and sounds easy, but fact is, this are the things parents always overlook and take things lightly. They always teach their kids to be afraid of them in order to gain the kid's 'respect' and make the kids obey them. But seriously, the so called 'respect' doesn't last long. As soon as the child grows up, they tend to be rebellious. Being a friend to ur child needs a lot of patience, strength, courage and most importantly throw away ur ego. Always give words of wisdom and praises to your child whenever they manage to complete a task or manage to improve themselves eventhough the achievement is not so big compared to other child. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, never ever compare ur child to any other child of ur own or to anyone. Islam strongly prohibits those behaviour. Every man are unique in their own way. So accept them and help them to improve by encouragement not by criticizing and focusing on their -ve aspects. Last but not least, learn to say sorry to ur child whenever u have done wrong. This will help u gain their respect easier and eventually, they too will learn to say sorry to anyone everytime they have done anything wrong. 
    Good luck!!!



    Kiss Kiss...muacks muacks muacks...;o)

    Renungan utk smua,
    Keistimewaan yang bakal diperoleh apabila anak-anak anda boleh digelar kanak-kanak atau kupu-kupu syurga.

    Barangsiapa yang mengembirakan anak perempuannya, darjatnya seumpama orang yang sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah. Orang yang menangis takutkan Allah diharamkan oleh Allah akan api neraka ke atas tubuhnya.

    Ciumlah anakmu kerana pahala setiap ciuman itu dibalas dengan satu darjat syurga. Nisbah di antara dua darjat ialah 500 darjat. Syurga itu ialah sebuah kampung kesenangan, tiada masuk ke dalamnya melainkan orang yang menyukai kanak-kanak.

    Barangsiapa keluar ke pekan Muslim dan membeli barang-barang dan kembali ke rumah dengan buah tangan untuk anak-anaknya, nescaya mendapat rahmat daripada Allah dan tidak diseksa di Akhirat kelak.

    Muliakan anak-anak dengan mengajar mereka adab dan ilmu agama.Barangsiapa memuliakan anak-anaknya dalam keadaan jahil dia turut menanggung tiap-tiap dosa yang dilakukan oleh anaknya itu dan barangsiapa membekalkan anaknya itu turut diperolehinya.Aqrak pernah terlihat Nabi SAW mencium cucu baginda Hassan. Aqrak berkata; "Anakku sepuluh orang banyaknya, namun tiada seorang pun yang pernah aku cium." Sabda Nabi SAW; "Orang yang tidak menyayangi tidak pula akan disayangi.

    "Barangsiapa ke pasar dan membeli sesuatu barang untuk ahli keluarganya dan dia memikulnya ke rumah; pahalanya seperti dia memikul sedekah untuk orang yang sangat berhajat.

    Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka barangsiapa menyukakan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail.Seorang lelaki bertanya; "Ya Rasulullah, kepada siapakah harus akuberbakti? " Jawab baginda; "Berbaktilah kepada ibu bapamu." Kata lelaki itu lagi; "Ibu bapaku sudah tiada lagi." Sabda Nabi SAW; "Kalau begitu berbaktilah kepada anakmu, ibubapa berhak terhadap dirimu dan anakmu pula berhak ke atas dirimu."Wallahualam bissawab.Ingat mengingati adalah si antara Sunah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

    Ya Allah...besarnya ganjaran daripadaNYa yang kita selalu anggap mudah dan remeh....jadi, bahagiakanlah anak2 anda bermula dari saat ini dan senantiasa...amin...

    Monday, June 21, 2010


    WOOt WoooOOt!!!!!
    Since Ive announced the 2nd wave of the Premium Beautiful Corset Sale, ramai yang dah booking and even dah bayar CASH for it...
    its a WOMAN's must kidding...
    my fren has been wearing it for 20 yrs now..!!!she was involved in a road accident and since then, her spine da tak align...she tried going for physiotherapy and such but tak berhasil..cuba macam2 corset sampai la jumpa premium beautiful corset neh..and since then, her back pon dah okie and further more, even when she is in her 50's going to 60's, she looks as if she is in her 30's!body still mantap! dier kenal PB neh waayyyy b4 i kenal product neh tunggu apa lagi??? 
    grab yours now!!!
    dah tak banyak sets to let go...and since sambutan menggalakkan, im giving freebies together with the corset if payment made in cash! and to those yang dah bayar, i'll post it togther with ur mystery gift...;)

    hurry hurry hurry!!!!

    How to Save $$$$!

    On Popular Demand...
    Promotion of Premium Beatiful Corsets are back on...

    RM400 waived for more info! ni bukan gimik tapi betul2!

    book ur set now!


    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    Extra MOney!!!$$$$$

    Wealth is a product of man's capacity to think.
    ~AYN RAND~

    Duit nowadays flow macam air. Hari ni keluar RM100, hari ni la jugak habis RM100. Kalau keluar RM200, pon sama jugak la nasibnya. Ada aje benda yang nak dibelanja/dibayar. Duit makan, minyak kereta la, byr bil henpon, sewa umah la, kalau yang dok kat KL/Selangor area lagi la banyak coz jalan bertol pon banyak. So basically, gaji RM3000 pon belum tentu cukup nak support a family of 3. Itu pon tak makan yang mewah2, sekadar ala kadar je. Dah belajar bertahun2, kerja pon bertahun2, mesti la nak rase makan, pakai brgn yg lebih selesa/mewah. Bukan niat nak menunjuk tapi utk kepuasan diri. Ive been there, and I know how bad it feels to see and wonder how other people make it not just to survive but to live in a more comfortable condition. 

    Bajet bulan2 pon cukup2 je utk makan, minum, anak, rumah. Kalau nak berbelanja yang lain dari tu, kena kumpul 3 bulan baru la boleh beli, but by then, design atau model lain la pulak yang dah keluar. And di situ, bajet kena dirangka semula. Kalau window shopping pulak, mesti kita semua pernah berada dlm situasi where kita lalu depan store yang ada promo lepas tu ada promoter tarik cerita product on sale and tanpa fikir banyak, terus beli and balik je rumah baru terfikir yang bajet berterabur sudaa. Dan kadang2 tu, kita window shopping and aim barang yang nak dibeli, tup2 lepas sebulan simpan duit nak beli barang yang di'aim' tu, barang tu pulak yang dah GONE! Lepas tu, pernah tak you all rase macam 'jelesnya' kat org2 yang beli tak tengok price tag neh, main sambau aje apa yang ada depan mata? Pernah tak rasa macam "Bila la aku dapat nak berbelanja cam si dia tu ha?"???

    Life nowadays semakin hari semakin tinggi cost of living. Especially life di bandar. Memang la kita boleh cakap yang kita patut bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Tapi dah belajar penat2, and kerja penat2, takkan kita 'aim' stakat hidup ala kadar? Kita mesti nakkan 'Financial FREEDOM'. Untuk achieve Financial Freedom, kita seharusnya peka dan bukakan minda kepada peluang yang ada. Donald Trump once wrote in his book, "Think Like A Champion", '...the more independent people become, the stronger a nation becomes as a whole.' Bila kita independent, negara kita lebih maju, bangsa kita lebih kukuh! And independent di sini merujuk kepada 'Financially independent'. If only money grows on trees, then everybody is a farmer!heheh so HOW to be financially independent? 

    Business is THE only solution to all this. You not just get additional income, but will also ENJOY life. And life is not just about YOU, eventually, YOU will manage to give back to society! This is how it works, say ur current pay cheque is around RM3000, and all those rm3000 is to be spent on ur makan, minum, rumah and all the bills, but there will be an additional rm3000 dari biznes that you can SPEND on the things YOU WANT and NEED and at the same time boleh SIMPAN! How cooool is that??
    The best part is, income dari biznes pulak bertambah dari 3000 kepada 5000 and then 7000 ...... and RM10000 dalam masa beberapa bulan je. Kalau kerja makan gaji pon belum tentu dapat naik gaji sampai rm10000 dalam masa a few months time kan?

    Wait no more.......for further details, buzz me up...and set an appointment. 


    Ageing or its definition is the accumulation of changes in an organism or object over time. Ageing in humans are referred to as a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change. Some dimensions of ageing grows and expands over time, while others decline.

    Did you know that ageing process starts at the age of 25?

    We usually associate ageing only to our face area. But actually our whole body is going through the process of ageing at the same rate and same time as well as our face. Here is some proof of my statement.
    In the 20-ies

    Bentuk payudara dan kedudukan punggung lebih anjal, tegak dan tegang.

    -Perut kempis

    -punggung padat & anjal

    (usually after giving birth)

    -Dada akan mengalami pertambahan 3cm
    -Size payudara akan mengendur sebanyak 3cm-5cm

    -Perut buncit (kajian: 1 dalam 2 orang mengalami perut buncit)

    -pinggang bertambah 4cm

    -punggung akan menjadi bentuk pear (kajian: 1 dalam 4 orang)

    Pada usia 40-an

    -Badan akan membulat (apple) or double pear
    -dada hilang anjal

    -perut semakin buncit (Kajian: 13% sahaja akan kekal bentuk tubuh asal)
    -Punggung semakin jatuh (1 dalam 2 orang)

    Pada usia 50-an

    • Perempuan akan mengalami menopause
    • Masalah kesihatan mula timbul- darah tinggi, cancer, sakit2 sendi, kencing manis etc
    • Bentuk badan akan kekal.
    • Metabolism menurun
    Dengan pemakain Premium Beautiful, siri pembentukan pakaian dalam dapat membantu anda menghidari dari masalah2 ini!

    Premium Beautiful is a body contour product, dapat mengagihkan lemak2 ke tempat yang sepatutnya. Membentuk semula pinggul dan payu dara.

    Premium Beautiful juga dapat mencerahkan 'pigment nipple' kulit pada warna asal.

    Far Infrared yang terdapat di Premium Beautiful dapat menambahkan kekenyalan, dan ketegangan buah dada dan menggiatkan tumbersaran buah dada

    Premium Beautiful direka cipta mengambil kira struktur wanita secara terperinci.

    So what are you waiting for people?

    No diet, No pills, No exercise, Save money+time!!
    And Proven to be Effective!!!!

    Order yours TODAY!

    Premium Beautiful

    Benefits of wearing PB

    • Reduce Stretchmark!
    • Increase Blood Circulation!
    • Prevent Cancer!
    • Balance out estrogen and progesterone
    • Period Pain/Menstrual Cramp
    For Slip disc/Back pain

    • Control your food intake
    • Reduce Migraine/Headache

    • Reduce Gastric

    And many more benefits......

    For more info, call us now!!!
    email me for further details..